Beat the Heat

Hot weather is coming. Here’s how to avoid health problems in the heat.  

The June gloom is lifting and it’s finally beginning to feel like summer in western Washington! Temperatures are forecast to be in the 80s this weekend, possibly even higher in some parts of King County.

It’s a good reminder to be ready for the hotter weather ahead. The mild Pacific Northwest climate makes us more sensitive to heat, and when it’s hot, our region sees a spike in the number of people who have serious health problems like heart attacks, stroke, and kidney failure.

Are you more likely to have serious health problems in the heat? Find out before it gets hot.

Some people are at higher risk for serious health problems on hot days and should take extra precautions to stay cool, drink water, and take breaks from the heat:

  • Older adults (65 and older)
  • Young children
  • People with chronic health conditions or mental illness
  • Athletes who exercise outdoors
  • Outdoor workers
  • People living unsheltered or homeless

Medications and health conditions can make you more sensitive to heat.

  • Medications can make it harder to stay hydrated and regulate body temperature, including those for allergies and colds, thyroid, depression, heart/blood pressure, and weight loss.
  • Check with your doctor to see if your health conditions or medications make you more sensitive to heat.

Warm cars are dangerous for babies, children, and pets.

  • NEVER leave babies, young children, or pets in a parked car, even with the window rolled down! Not even for a minute! Cars can get dangerously hot in seconds, even if temperatures are in the 70s outside.

Keep up to date during hot weather.

Note: There is no watch/warning/advisory in effect, we will not be activating additional indoor cooling spaces or cooling stations, but will make cooling supplies available to service providers across the county.

Check the local weather forecast – the National Weather Service is the best place to get the most current weather and forecast information.