Operation: WelcomeOneHome

The Washington State Department of Veteran Affairs Information and Assistance Call Center is the “Command Center” for Veterans and Neighbors to call to connect homeless Veterans to services. Outreach workers may be “dispatched” by the Call Center and will make contact within 24-hours to Veterans unable to travel. Established outreach methods include:

  • Phone
    • WDVA Veterans Information and Assistance Call Center at 206-454-2799; and 2-1-1 Community Information Line. 
  • Site based
    • WA State Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) office: 2106 2nd Avenue, Suite 100, Seattle, WA 98121
    • VA Puget Sound Community Outreach and Housing Services (CHOS) Renton Walk-in Clinic: 419 S 2nd Street, Suite 2, Renton, WA 98057
  •  Community-based mobile outreach
    • Supportive Services for Veteran Families,
    • VA-Puget Sound CHOS, and
    • King County Veteran and Human Services outreach contracts [El Centro de la Raza, Evergreen Treatment Services (ETS) REACH, Sound Mental Health Project for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (SMH PATH), Therapeutic Health Services (THS), VA-Puget Sound, Valley Cities Counseling and Consultation (VCC), and WDVA].