This is an archived KCRHA page. We have preserved these so the community has continued access to the previous boards. The Governing Committee was sunset after our Interlocal Agreement was updated in November of 2024, merging the Implementation Board and Governing Committee into a single board: Governing Board

The Governing Committee includes elected officials and people with lived experience of homelessness. The Governing Committee was intentionally kept separate from the Implementation Board, which acts more like a traditional board of directors and includes people with lived experience and professional expertise in issues surrounding homelessness. Regular meetings are quarterly (every three months) on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.

Important Documents:

KCRHA Governing Committee Bylaws
KCRHA Governing Committee Resolution 2023-09 – Recommendation of the 5 Year Plan
KCRHA Governing Committee Resolution 2022-01 – Budget Approval 5/27/22
KCRHA Governing Committee Resolution 2021-03 – Marc Dones CEO

Any further questions regarding the Governing Committee? Reach out to our Clerk of the Authority Austin Christoffersen.

Governing Committee Meetings

Click here to view archived Governing Committee Meetings

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