This is an archived KCRHA page. We have preserved these so the community has continued access to the previous boards. The Implementation Board was sunset after our Interlocal Agreement was updated in November of 2024, merging the Implementation Board and Governing Committee into a single board: Governing Board

The Implementation Board provides direction and oversight to the KCRHA, and Board Members are required to have experience in the housing and homelessness fields. Questions regarding the Implementation Board can be sent to Clerk of the Authority Austin Christoffersen.

This is a summary of the responsibilities detailed in the Interlocal Agreement:

  1. Meet at least 6 times/year at set times disclosed to the public
    • Additional special meetings allowed with 24-hours notice
    • Can be electronic meeting, but must follow OPMA
    • Meeting minutes posted
    • Public record rules apply
  2. Create a Five-Year Regional Homelessness Plan, Policies, and Goals that includes a theory of change; specific, measurable actions, outcomes and goals, that the can enable progress tracking; includes Sub-Regional Planning Activities that have been developed with the Governing Committee, Advisory Committee and the Sound Cities Association.
  3. Also create:
    • Annual performance review for the plan
    • Procurement P&Ps
    • A budget for the plan
    • A report that shows funding distribution across programs and locations
    • An annual work plan with sub-regional goals and activities
    • Oversight of major expenditures P&Ps
    • Oversight of CEO authority P&Ps
  4. Formalize sub-regional plans in the 5-year Plan
  5. Regularly review CEO’s performance
  6. Recognize that the Continuum of Care Board as the IB’s Advisory Committee
    • Confirm Continuum of Care Board members as the Advisory Committee members, or appoint new members
  7. After recruitment, recommend the Chief Executive Officer to the Governing Committee for confirmation
  8. Ensure the Governing Committee enacts the plans through contracting, funding, and oversight
  9. Ensure the RHA:
    • Carries out its duties
    • Either contracts to provide ombuds services or creates an office of the Ombuds


The KCRHA Implementation Board convenes on the second Wednesday of each month from 2:00-4:00 pm. All board materials will be released to the public seven days prior to the scheduled meeting.

The Implementation Board will be moving to hybrid meetings. The public may access the meeting via Zoom, phone, or by attending the meeting in person at the location listed on the agenda.

Click here for archived Implementation Board & Implementation Board System Planning Subcommittee Meetings

Click here to subscribe to KCRHA meeting update emails.