Implementation Board Resolutions & Approved Policies

The following resolutions and policies were approved by a vote of the KCRHA Implementation Board:

Resolution 2023-07 5yr Plan

Resolution 2023-02 Implementation Board recommending 2024 budget submission to the Governing Committee. April 2023

Resolution 2023-01 Implementation Bylaws

Letter to the Governing Committee recommending 2023 budget submission, May 2022

Letter to the Governing Committee recommending 2022 budget approval, January 2022

Resolution (unnumbered) for the 2022 Meeting Calendar of the Implementation Board, Dec. 8, 2021

Public Records Request Policy, December 2021

Procurement of Goods and Services Policy, November 2021

Finance Policy, Contracts and Document Signing, October 2021

External Affairs & Communications Policy, July 2021

Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy, June 2021

Implementation Board Committees, May 2021

Resolution No. 2021-01, Recommending a Chief Executive Officer, February 4, 2021