This is an archived KCRHA data page. We have preserved these so the community has continued access to the older data. In December of 2024, we began relaunching our data dashboards after spending a year overhauling our data systems. Return to our current data pages here.

What is Rapid Re-Housing?

Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) is an intervention designed to help individuals and families exit homelessness and return to permanent housing. Rapid Re-Housing provides short-term rental assistance and voluntary supportive services, without any preconditions or requirements (such as employment, income, absence of criminal record, or sobriety). The services provided are tailored to the person’s needs. In King County, Rapid Re-Housing providers partner with Housing Connector. Learn more in the guidelines.

Interpreting the Data

This dashboard contains information about Rapid Re-Housing programs in King County to show how they are performing overall. Click through the teal squares on the dashboard to view trends by population, race and ethnicity, and income at program entry.

Dashboard updates are on hold as of October 1, 2023. Click here for more information.

Performance Data


Seattle – King County Rapid Re-Housing Model Guidelines

This document is a guide for service providers and funders engaged in Rapid Re-Housing in Seattle/King County. The document defines our Rapid Re-Housing model, including the elements and expectations of local Rapid Re-Housing programs.

Updated February 2020 – What’s New?

Housing ConnectorLearn about this resource in the community.

King County Rapid Re-Housing programs are encouraged to partner with Housing Connector to facilitate access to affordable housing units for people exiting homelessness. Housing Connector provides exclusive access to safe, clean, affordable units with reduced screening criteria through a Zillow-hosted housing search platform that matches units to a person’s needs and preferences. Through this partnership, Housing Connector helps non-profit partners house people faster and help them stay stably housed.

Explore Our Data Dashboards

Households Served

How many households are accessing the system?

Crisis Response

How well is the system meeting the need for services?

System Performance

How well is our system performing?

Rapid Re-Housing

How are rapid re-housing programs performing?

Additional Data and Reports

Coordinated Entry System

A matching service that connects people experiencing homelessness with available housing that meets their needs.

Point-in-Time Count

An estimate of the number of people experiencing homelessness in our community. Note that this is widely understood to be an undercount.

Research Reports

Reports include annual evaluations of Coordinated Entry System, data reviews, and analyses.

How we’re working to reduce homelessness.

What we’ve accomplished and where we’re going.